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Helpful City Informationwww.dallascityhall.com |
A security alarm permit is required if you have a security alarm that is audible and/or monitored to provide police response. The Dallas Police Department (DPD) is prohibited from responding to alarm sites that do not have a valid alarm permit. The annual permit fee is $50 for a residential permit. Call 214-670-3438 to obtain a permit application. The City of Dallas requires that Fire/Medical alarms be registered with the Dallas Fire Department after the first false Fire/Medical alarm is initiated at an alarm site. For information on registration and waiver of false alarm calls, contact the Dallas Fire Department at (214) 670-4514.
Keeping your alley space mowed is a courtesy to neighbors who enter their garages through the alleys and it’s the law! Dallas City Code states it is our responsibility to keep our alleys free of trash, weeds and overhanging limbs to the middle of the alley. Grass and weeds must be kept below 12 inches. Alleys must have 15 feet of overhead clearance. This helps our police, service vehicles, and others who must use the alleys. Tall grass, weeds, and trash encourage the presence of fleas, mosquitoes, rats, and other insects and vermin. Please mow, or remind your yard crew to mow your alley property.
Leash Law: Pets must be confined in a building, fenced area, or be on a leash. Otherwise, your pet is considered a stray and is subject to impoundment and possible fine. Pooper Scooper Law: The owner or person having control of a dog must remove in an immediate and sanitary manner, any feces created by their dog on public property, or any private property not owned, leased, or controlled by them.
Registration: Cats and dogs must be registered annually with the city of Dallas. You may purchase and/or renew your pet’s registration Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm or by mail. Please bring/mail payment along with a copy of your pet’s current rabies vaccination certificate to: 3112 Canton St, Suite 100, Dallas, Texas 75226.
Registration fees:
• Unaltered (not spayed/neutered) pets – $30 per pet with a valid Intact Animal Permit. The Intact Animal Permit is $70. Total cost for an intact animal is $100.
• Spayed/neutered pets – $7 each
• If the owner is 65 years of age and older, registration is free for up to 3 altered pets
• Only six (6) pets are allowed in a detached single-family dwelling. Residents that live on one-half acre or more are allowed up to eight (8) pets.
Shelter: The City of Dallas Animal Shelter that serves our area is located at 1818 N. Westmoreland, 214-670-8246.
Vaccinations: All dogs and cats must be vaccinated against rabies. Violations: To report violations, call Dallas Animal Services – dial 311.
Dallas Code Section 9-8 states that all who ride bicycles must wear helmets.
Dallas City Code, Section 30-2, prohibits the erection, including excavation, demolition, alteration or repair of any building on or adjacent to a residential use before 7:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, before 8:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. Saturday or legal holidays, or at any time on Sunday. To report a violation of this ordinance – dial 311.
The City of Dallas requires a $15 garage sale permit prior to the sale. The permit may be purchased at any Dallas public library. The City permits two garage sales each year per property. The sale may last no longer than three days and a person cannot sell merchandise acquired solely for resale. A sign advertising the sale can only be placed on the property where the sale is occurring. No signs are permitted in the right-of-way or in the median. Signs placed other than on the property where the sale is occurring may be removed and/or ticketed.
Preston Royal Branch Library is our closest branch and is located at 5626 Royal Lane., west of the Toll Road. It is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. and Monday, Friday, and Saturday from 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. It is open on Sunday from 1-5 p.m. For further information, call 214-670-7128.
In addition to the options listed on your vehicle registration form, you can take your form and proof of insurance to any Tom Thumb Service Desk and buy your new sticker.
• For addresses ending in even numbers, water on Sundays and Thursdays. For addresses ending in odd numbers, water on Saturdays and Wednesdays.
• Maintain your sprinkler system. Repair any broken, missing or misdirected sprinkler heads.
• Automatic sprinkler system owners are required to have rain and freeze sensors installed.
• Monitor your total water usage. If you use more than 15,000 gallons a month, you’ll now pay a surcharge on the amount above 15,000.
• Don’t water during any form of precipitation.
• Don’t allow your sprinkler system to water driveways, sidewalks and streets.
• Don’t waste water by allowing runoff onto a street or other drainage area when you’re watering.
• Don’t water your yard between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. between April 1 and October 31.
• Violations of these outdoor water guidelines can result in fines of $250 to $2,000 per incident. First offenses will be issued a warning.
More Information
Much of this information was gathered from www.dallascityhall.com. More details about this information and a lot of other great information about our city can be found on this site.
City Officials
Mayor Eric Johnson 214-670-3301
Councilmember Gay Donnell Willis 214-670-3816
City Manager T.C. Broadnax 214-670-3297
City Attorney Christopher Caso 214-670-3519
Plan Commissioner Margot Murphy 214-670-3086
Board of Adjustment Administrator Steve Long 214-670-4666
Emails are always firstname.lastname@dallascityhall.com
For most general, non-emergency city services 311
Alarm Permits 214-670-3438
Animal Shelter/Lost Pets 214-671-0315 or 214-671-0248
Building Permits/Inspections 214-948-4480
Code Enforcement 311
Fire Hydrant and Sewer Information 311
Mosquito Control Hotline 214-670-1733
Property Tax 214-653-7811
Recycling 214-670-4475
Street Operations/Alley Maintenance 311
Toll Tag 972-818-6882
Traffic Signs/Signal Repair 311
Trash Collections Service 311
Tree Limb Collection Service 311
Tree Obstructing Streets, Alleys, Traffic Visibility 311
Vehicle Title and License 214-653-7811
Water Main Breaks 311
Water Quality Inquiries 214-670-0915
Zoning Board of Adjustments (Variances) 214-670-4666
Zoning Information/Building Permits 214-948-4480
Texas Poison Control Center 1-800-222-1222
Medical City of Dallas 972-566-7000
Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas 214-345-6789
Dallas Water Utilities 214-651-1441
Atmos Energy (Gas) 1-800-460-3030
Oncor Electric Delivery (power outages) 1-888-313-4747
RNA (Royal Northaven Neighborhood Association) shall not be liable for information that is incorrect. Reasonable effort was made to provide accurate information.